Pixar Animation has helped produce some of the most popular animated characters to date - and Cars is no exception! The film was followed by Cars 2 which has even more fun and fantastic characters in it! There's no doubt that this will be a favorite among children. Pixar always hit the spot with their characters and you should embrace this by bringing the film's famous main character - Lightening McQueen to your child's birthday party.
These birthday party supplies will help bring the magic of Pixar to your child's birthday celebrations! Our loot bags, napkins, paper cups and paper plates are all decorated with the iconic and fun McQueen. No matter what the theme of the party is, our children party supplies will surely make for the finishing touches.
Our supplies are sure to lighten up the event and add more personality to the party which will make your child all the happier! These licensed party supplies will make party themes easier to achieve.
Any birthday boy or girl would be more than happy to see the star of Cars and Cars 2 at their birthday party! Make sure to embrace your child's interests and favorite films.